Rosie Catherwood

Clematis florida 'Sieboldii'

I have three of these climbing up the kitchen wall from a planter. They appreciate the warmth from the wall and need a sheltered spot but reward you with very unusual flowers and delicate foliage. They start early Spring and then flower most of the year including into December sometimes!

Clematis 'Parisienne'

A Clematis bred especially for pots, this and C. Angelique live in a large pot with the Magnolia stellata and do well each year.

Clematis 'Angelique'

A Clematis bred especially for pots, this and Parisienne live in a large pot with the Magnolia stellata and do well each year.

Clematis 'Bijou'

This is a small, trailing clematis which shares a pot with Clematis Rebecca but does less well.

Clematis 'Rebecca'

I have two of these, both in pots and they have fabulous, large, long lasting velvet red flowers and pretty stamens.

Clematis 'Vivienne Beth Currie'

Fared less well than Bourbon in the pot with the Rhamnus Alaternus and I've lost her. Will replace cos she is very pretty and plant in the ground.

Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud'

Appreciates a good feed in Spring and flowers her pretty pink flowers profusely across the ivy from midsummer.

Clematis texensis 'Duchess of Albany'

She took a long time to get going (until 2010 when next door's tree came down) and now flowers freely through July to September.

Clematis macropetala

This is now enormous and all over the East side terrace around Rosa Graham Thomas. It flowers prufusely in late Spring/early summer and again later in the year. The buds are dark purple before they open into nodding paler blue flowers with white stamens. I have to give it a fairly good hack every two or three years to keep it under control and a tidy every year.

Clematis 'Blue Angel'

Once it gets going it is great but it's not well named as the flowers are more more pale mauvey than blue but I suppose mauve angel sounds much less appealing.